Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Gooodbye USA!

We woke up bright and early to make itt to the airport by 5am. It was kinda funny that James and I drove 9 hours from Columbia to Cincinnati to then fly to Atlanta on the way to Shanghai. We did get time to hang out with good friends before we left, so that was great!

The flight wasn't so bad. I slept most of the way and arrived in Shanghai before I knew it. The photos above were taken on our drive from the Shanghai airport into the city. It took about 1–1.5 hours to get to our hotel. It was overcast and drizzly. I guess it had been that way for a while before we arrived. James is testing out my language book with our guide. She seems to understand most of the words.

1 comment:

mittens said...

yay! the blog is back!